oxcgrt: An Interface to the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker API

Facilitating access to the OxCGRT data in R

covidphdata: An Interface to the Philippines Department of Health COVID-19 Data Drop

An R package providing a coherent, robust and performant API to the Philippines COVID-19 data


The nutriverse is a collection of tools and guides developed in R for use in nutrition and nutrition-related data collection and analysis. The nutriverse is for anyone who works with nutrition and nutrition-related data be that in collection, processing and analysis.


RapidSurveys develops methods and tools that facilitate robust and efficient health and nutrition surveys data collection, analysis and reporting.




Lookup tables for estimating the likelihood of poverty using the Poverty Probability Index (previously called Progress out of Poverty Index) or PPI from country-specific indicators collected from cross-sectional surveys.


The blocked weighted bootstrap (BBW) is an esitmation technique for use with data from two stage cluster sampled surveys in which either prior weighting or posterior weighting is applied.