IYCF assessment with small-sample surveys - A proposal for a simplified and structured approach

Image credit: UNICEF/URC-CHS


This article describes an approach to assessing infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices using small-sample surveys which was developed jointly by VALID International; CONCERN Worldwide; Save the Children; UNICEF in Sierra Leone, Niger, and Sudan; the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation; the Niger National Institute of Statistics; the Ethiopian Health and Nutrition research Institute (EHNRI); the Sudanese Federal Ministry of Health, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), and Brixton Health. It is, in large part, a development of earlier work undertaken by the International Food Policy research Institute (IFPRI) and the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) project.

Field Exchange
Ernest Guevarra
Senior Research and Teaching Associate

I design, develop and implement innovative surveys and assessments on health and nutrition and utilise bespoke analytical approaches that leverage the advantages of Bayesian statistics and resampling techniques. I teach Open Science and Reproducible Research i R