Accept or reject sampling units against population density of potential sampling units

  psu = "psu",
  match = NULL,
  pop = "pop",
  verbose = TRUE,
  show_plot = TRUE,
  save_plot = FALSE



A data.frame of all potential primary sampling units (PSUs) to sample from each uniquely identified and with corresponding populations.


A data.frame of survey data drawn via probability proportional to population size (PPS) approach from all the potential PSUs in x.


A single character value or vector of values corresponding to the variable name/s for the primary sampling unit in x and svy. Default is "psu".


A single character value corresponding to the variable name for the primary sampling unit in x that matches the primary sampling unit in svy. Default is NULL which indicates that primary sampling unit in x is the same as primary sampling unit in svy.


A single character value corresponding to the variable name for the population figures in x. Default is "pop".


Logical. Should text of sample acceptance or rejection be printed/shown? Default to TRUE.


Logical. Should plot of sample acceptance or rejection be shown? Default to TRUE.


Logical. Should plot of sample acceptance or rejection be saved? Default to FALSE. If set to TRUE when show_plot is FALSE, no plot will be saved.


A data.frame drawn from svy that contains the primary sampling units selected by the acceptance and rejection sampling.


Mark Myatt and Ernest Guevarra


accept_reject_psu( x = village_list, svy = sample_data, psu = c("id", "psu"), match = "cluster", pop = "population", verbose = FALSE, show_plot = FALSE )
#> # A tibble: 400 × 11 #> surveydate psu sex birthdate age weight height oedema muac measure #> <date> <dbl> <int> <date> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <chr> #> 1 2020-12-19 1 2 NA 8 8.8 66.1 0 163 l #> 2 2020-12-19 1 1 2020-03-20 9 8.6 72.4 0 149 l #> 3 2020-12-19 1 2 2019-04-16 20 10.1 79.6 0 142 l #> 4 2020-12-19 1 2 2018-12-05 24 9 79.2 0 136 h #> 5 2020-12-19 1 1 2018-11-12 25 13.3 86.8 0 157 h #> 6 2020-12-19 1 2 NA 28 9.2 85.9 0 118 h #> 7 2020-12-19 1 1 2018-01-16 35 15.1 95.6 0 147 h #> 8 2020-12-19 1 2 2017-12-02 36 12.6 94.5 0 148 h #> 9 2020-12-19 1 1 2017-08-17 40 13.2 86.1 0 166 h #> 10 2020-12-19 1 1 2017-02-09 46 13.9 91.3 0 170 h #> # … with 390 more rows, and 1 more variable: clothes <chr>